08 Aug Stand Out In The Crowd
Posted at 09:03h
in Food Forum
Be A Sponsor During Our 2024 Convention
There are new sponsorship opportunities for companies during this year’s Charleston convention. These are innovative new ways for your brand and its products or services to be recognized by food processors. Here are the ways you can stand out in a crowd.
PLATINUM – $3,500 (3 Sponsorships Available)
- Keynote Speaker Introduction
- Opportunity to provide session concluding remarks
- Hospitality Suite
GOLD – $2,500 (4 Available)
- Wednesday Breakfast
- OR Wednesday Evening Reception
- OR Thursday Breakfast
- OR Thursday Evening Reception
SILVER – $2,000 (3 Available)
- Reception Entertainment
- OR Morning Breaks, General Session Coffee & Snacks (2)
- OR Charleston Guided Tour Thursday Afternoon
BRONZE – $1,000 (2 Available)
- Name Badge Lanyard
- OR Convention Journal Book
- SFPA Website Recognition, logo on convention signage, table tent exposure on tables, logo on video screen during general session, public thank you mentions from the podium.
Exhibit Tables – $200
- SFPA Associate Members can secure an exhibit table for sharing of your brand’s products with food processor members during the numerous breaks during general sessions.
For all Sponsorships or to secure and exhibit table during the convention, contact Executive Director Kay Rentzel at kayrentzel@sfpafood.org or call 717-329-8421.