Join The SFPA

There are so many benefits in joining the SFPA as a food processor or as an associate member. Download our invitation to food processors and if you are already a member, please send the invitation to processor members you know.


To all potential members, here is an overview of member benefits. At just $500 per year, it is one of the very best values for companies involved in the food industry.


As an official SFPA member, you will enjoy new opportunities for professional and personal growth:

  • Share successful techniques and lessons learned from some of the Southeast’s best food processors
  • Networking opportunities with some of the region’s top food manufacturers and suppliers
  • Be part of our annual cooperative advertising program that can maximize
  • Participate in low-cost educational programs and learn from top industry experts in important food safety, legal, operational and marketing disciplines
  • Engage other members at our annual convention where we share ideas, learn about important issues affecting the food industry and network with top manufacturers
  • Lend your voice in issues-based discussions of key business and consumer trends as well as government packaging and health regulations
  • Be part of an organization that serves as an advocate of the region’s food industry
  • Build life-long friendships with those who share your profession

Membership Eligibility


Any person, firm, partnership, association, or company located in the Southeastern United States engaged in manufacturing food products or engaged in the manufacture or sale of supplies or products used by food processors.




Fill out the form, or download and complete a Membership Application form (pdf) then mail your check (with the paper form, if applicable) to the address listed below.


Southeastern Food Processors Association
22 Triplett Court
Dillsburg, PA 17019

Membership Form




    Street Address*

    Post Office Box




    Business Telephone*



    Principal Products*

    Who referred you to SFPA?

    Send check for dues:*